RF Services is Spreading Holiday Cheer with Bringing Hope Home

This holiday season, RF Services is proud to support Bringing Hope Home and their  Adopt a Family program.  Your generous donations will make a significant impact, ensuring families facing the challenges of cancer can celebrate the holidays with joy and comfort.

Bringing Hope Home® is a non-profit organization that provides Unexpected Amazingness® to local Families with cancer through financial and emotional support. Through their Light of Hope Family Program, they offer one-time financial assistance to pay essential household bills for Families with cancer.

Help provide AMAZINGNESS to a family in need this holiday season:

  • Unexpected Amazingness is the sigh of relief you experience when you get a call from Bringing Hope Home letting you know that your mortgage, electric, and phone bills will be paid.
  • Unexpected Amazingness is receiving a gift card from Bringing Hope Home for groceries when your fridge is bare.
  • Unexpected Amazingness is when you are told that Bringing Hope Home filled your oil tank and you can heat your home for the winter.
  • Unexpected Amazingness is when our Family Department talks to your landlord and negotiates your rent, removing late fees or avoiding eviction.
  • Unexpected Amazingness is knowing that people like Bringing Hope Home care and are here for you and your Family along your cancer journey.

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